Monday 30 November 2009

Another piece of the map!

Well I finally managed to solve the 'x marks the spot' riddle and have just received another map piece - as well as another diary page.

Now this is getting really, really wierd - I'm not sure what to make of it. Communicating with dinosaurs? Would these people really risk destroying the planet just so they could make money?

We're so close to finding the machine! Now I wonder where that last piece of the map is?

Friday 13 November 2009

Another challenge

Some more exciting news! I got an email late last night from a woman called Carol Overtip who claims to be another descendent of the orginal SCWID members. She's been reading my blog and has a map piece - excellent! However she also says:

“I can see that you and your friends have a keen eye for puzzles. If you can solve this then you’re welcome to my map piece.”

Then there are just four photographs and the phrase ‘x marks the spot’ – help!

Tuesday 10 November 2009

It just gets weirder and weirder...

Had an exciting package today. It was from the owner of the History Mystery site who I emailed a few days ago - and it contained another map piece. Not just that but some strange plans and some more diary pages.

Now this is getting really weird - communication through time and space?!?